
My civic workout

Your heart is a muscle
the size of your fist.
keep loving, keep fighting.



We know that just like working out, civic activism can feel intimidating at first.  It seems like everyone else knows how to use the machines, and you're just not sure that activism is your kind of place.  We're here to help you get started with emails a few times a week that have 5-minute, 10-minute, and 30-minute activism "workouts" that will help you (and America) get in shape.  

Ready to dive in to the My Civic Workout community? Join us on Twitter, Facebook and Spotify.


Our mission

Our mission is to help those feeling overwhelmed, daunted, and disheartened to engage in meaningful civic activism.  We know that activism can be hard, but it gets easier with practice, and we're here to help you get started.  


The revolution will be crowdsourced.

We are sharing articles, guides and other resources here for you to take along with you on your journey. Feel free to print them out and bring them with you to events and demonstrations. 


downloadable signs to show your support for federal workers

Federal workers are under attack. Download some signs here to show your support.

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So It's Your First Protest?

Not sure if protesting is for you? Check out our guide that helps your prepare for the best (and worst) things that can happen at a protest.


GRoup finder

We believe that activism is better together. Find a group near you working on what you feel passionate about. 

Got a suggestion for another group? My Civic Workout wants to hear about it. Groups must meet in person in more than one city. Email us at


How to contact your elected representatives

In person and phone contact with your elected representatives is the most important thing you can do. Here, a guide based on the reporting of Dahlia Lithwick.

Download here. 

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