Ugh... Is the Trump administration vindictively obsessed with all things Obama or is it just a coincidence? Who knows. But on Michelle Obama’s birthday, January 17, the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Nutrition Service released an announcement that the former First Lady’s signature school lunch program would be rolled back.
In more hopeful news, research shows that if individual schools and districts take a small step—making school breakfast available after the bell—not only will more kids from low-income backgrounds eat breakfast, more will come to school.
Today’s edition is all about school meals. Oh, and we’re doing a different format today: Two 30-minute ways to make a difference, pick and choose based on your time and interest.
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Things You Can Actually Do About Climate Change
If there were ever a subject calculated to make us feel despair at our powerlessness, it’s climate change. But if there’s one consistent theme from climate scientists and environmental activists, it’s that everything we do matters: we have real opportunities to slow and limit global warming. So let’s do it.
Mini-Edition: Stopping War Before It Starts
Good news! Last night, the House of Representatives voted to pass the War Powers Resolution to prevent Trump from taking additional military action against Iran (the president has not taken that news well). Now the measure needs to pass the Senate. If you have 5 minutes, you can help make that happen.