Since coronavirus cases have appeared on US soil, anti-Asian sentiment has been on the rise. There have been reports of racist attacks on Asian people and huge drops in patronage at Chinese restaurants, following trends of hate worldwide. The racism that we’re seeing is in keeping with a long history of stereotypes of Asian people, particularly those who are East and Southeast Asian, as “uncivilized” and “dirty.” An important part of resisting the coronavirus is also resisting xenophobic fear and panic. Let’s get to it.
Resisting... the Coronavirus
Coronavirus (COVID-19 to get technical) has been in the news for the past several months, but became an urgent global concern this week. As of this week, cases have been reported on every continent (except Antarctica), with clusters of cases in Italy and Iran, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warned that it will spread in the United States. Stock markets have had their worst week since 2008 over fears that the epidemic will cause economic disruption.
In the face of big unknowns, it feels good to get something done. So let's get to work!
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Fighting for Immigrants with Our Votes
You know what’s even better than voting? Voting for candidates that have plans that support and empower immigrants. Let’s get to it.
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