You’ve researched your ballot. You’ve made your voting plan—maybe you’ve even voted. You’ve made sure your friends and family have their plans. Now what? Here is your My Civic Workout guide to handling the next few days.
The courts in 2020
With novice appeals court judge Amy Coney Barrett expected to be confirmed to the Supreme Court on Monday over the strenuous objections of Senate Democrats, the issue of the country’s judiciary is on our collective minds.
Our native American communities
Monday was Columbus Day, a federal holiday since 1968 that officially recognizes Christopher Columbus’s “discovery” of the Americas. Next month, the nation celebrates Thanksgiving. For many Native Americans in this country, these are not days for celebration, but stark reminders of the bloodshed and oppression forced upon their ancestors by colonization. This week, we talk about the legacy of these atrocities, and how to follow Native Americans' calls for change in the present.